The Meaning of Naledi
Restoring hope and dignity for a brighter future
Naledi is an African name meaning “the brightest morning star”. This name represents hope, illumination and the boundless potential of a brand-new day.
It is a name that resonates with the indomitable spirit of optimism, echoing the belief that even in the darkest of moments, a radiant and promising future awaits. A name that exudes strength and resilience, reminding us that even in the face of adversity, there is always a glimmer of hope.

We have witnessed a high turnout of people for screening in the seven of our one day free cancer screening camps. This is a true evidence of how needy people are for these health services. Our camps offer integrated medical screening: cervical, breast and prostate, a health checkup on blood pressure and blood glucose levels, reproductive health and family planning, treatment on minor sickness and referrals for further diagnostics and treatments. The people who have high risk factors with a possibility of cancer, are referred to county or sub-county hospitals within their areas of residence. We then enroll and pay for their National Health Insurance for two years.
So far we have screened 10,507 people in seven free cancer screening and integrated medical camps in rural areas.

The Naledi Initiative
Naledi Initiative is a registered Community Based Organization, a non-for-profit organization in Kenya, serving the vulnerable communities at the grassroots level. It comprises of 5 board members and 35 technical working group members (TWGs), who come from different medical institutions and administrative professions. We have generous hearts and relentless passion for volunteering our experience, skills, knowledge and resources.
Our holistic approach to community empowerment programs can be described through the three-legged African traditional stool. Without one of the legs, the stool will fall, and similarly, without the combination of health, peace and capacity strengthening (social-economic), communities will continue to suffer.
At its inception in 2018, Naledi Initiative focused on addressing one immediate barrier to girl’s education in rural Kenya IE the lack of access to sanitary pads. We partnered with schools and communities in Meru county to supply girls with critical reproductive health education and reusable sanitary pads.
Our key pillar is community healthcare program, which focuses on cancer screening and we offer this in partnership with government health facilities. We have embarked on cancer prevention awareness campaign and free cancer screening in rural areas after realizing high rates of cancer cases in our country. Cancer is exerting tremendous emotional, physical and financial constraints on individuals, families and communities.

Mission & Vision
Empowering lives, one step at a timeOur MissionOur Vision
To create Opportunities, build thriving communities and to champion transformation of lives and livelihoods through sustainable initiatives.
To restore hope and dignity for a bright future. Naledi Initiative looks at ending poverty in all its forms everywhere in Kenya. We are passionate about providing sustainable solutions to poverty in rural Kenya.